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linkman:Victor Zhang
phone: +86-13811939175
address:Add:No.5 Yujing East Road,Tongzhou District,Beijing,China Plant:No.37 Cangyuan Street,Jizhou District,Tianjin,China

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How does the stacker complete the entire production process?


The stacker can complete the entire production process in accordance with the process, due to the electrical control system, the stacker can coordinate each unit of system action, the process is as follows: the packed bag after entering press slope conveyer and acceleration of conveyor, bag of leveling, acceleration, and transposition and marshalling operation, will vertical bag 2 bags for 1 groups, 3 bags for 1 cross bag bag group; good group by pushing onto the hierarchical machine bag machine, 5 plastic bags a layer of plastic layer again in the machine, open the machine on the stratification of the pallet lift, lift down a layer the height of the bag, i.e. a layer of good code.

The 8 or 10 tier yards are stacked. After the code is good, the elevator descends to the lowest level. Then the stacks are transported to the unpowered pallet conveyor by the stacking tray conveyor, and finally transported by the forklift truck. The empty tray is then put into the tray bin by a forklift. The tray bin can automatically put the tray on the tray carrier, and then the tray conveyer is sent to the elevator.

The electrical control system of stacker includes central processing unit and its expansion unit, inspection unit, operation and display unit, control elements and performing parts. The operation and show the unit as equipment operation interface, PLC automatically scan the current status of each input and output point, from the operator's operation instructions and indicating equipment operation status; check check the position of components plastic bags, pallets, pallet and the unit operation condition, and on the basis of logic program that update the output point, through the on-off communication contactor and reversing solenoid valve to control the motor start and stop the action of the air cylinder, and then the end of the whole process of palletizing control.

Contacts:Victor Zhang
Mobile phone: +86-13811939175
aAddress:Add:No.5 Yujing East Road,Tongzhou District,Beijing,China Plant:No.37 Cangyuan Street,Jizhou District,Tianjin,China

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